Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Pomegranate Frozen Yogurt

After tasting the pomegranate frozen yogurt at Red Mango, I instantly fell in love. After going to the restaurant a few times I decided to try making my own at home. I briefly looked for a recipe on the internet but I couldn't find anything so I decided to make up my own. So here it is, a Pomegranate Frozen Yogurt recipe that tastes pretty close to the stuff you can get at Red Mango.

First you have to make sure to get 100% pomegranate juice, with no sugar added. They have pomegranate juice cocktails that have sugar and other fruit juices added, but you do not want to use those. Red Mango uses POM brand pomegranate juice, but I have actually found that Langers All Pomegranate juice has a little bit of a stronger flavor and makes tastier frozen yogurt.

Pomegranate Frozen Yogurt
  • 2 Cups Plain Yogurt
  • 1 Cup Pomegranate Juice
  • 1/4 Cup Sugar
Pour pomegranate juice and sugar into a sauce pan and heat on stove until sugar is just dissolved. Transfer mixture to a Tupperware container and put it in the refrigerator (1-2 hours). When the juice and sugar mixture is cold, remove and add the yogurt. Mix until well blended. Pour into ice cream machine and freeze like normal ice cream.

You can eat the frozen yogurt right away or let it set up in the freezer for an hour or so before eating. Enjoy!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Tank Top to Skirt

I never wear this tank top anymore, but I've had a hard time getting rid of it, because I love the color and pattern of the stripes (I am a little bit infatuated with stripey things).

Since I'm on a repurposing-roll after the dresses yesterday, I thought I should turn the tank into something. It was too small to make a dress for either girl, but what a great skirt it would make for Ava, eh?

First I placed a skirt of Ava's over the tank, then I cut out the shape of the skirt, leaving some wiggle room on the sides for hemming, and an extra inch or two on top for the elastic casing.

Once the pieces were cut out, I pinned them together, right sides facing. Then I took a ruler and made straight lines with a fabric marker down the side hems, to ensure I stitched it into a nice and straight A-line shape.

After stitching up the sides, all that was left was to create a casing for the elastic waistband. I turned over the top raw edge about an inch, pinned it down, then sewed all the way around, leaving a 2-inch open gap where I could sew the elastic closed. I used a 3/4 inch elastic, guided it through the casing with a safety pin, then sewed the elastic ends together with nice, tight, overlapping zigzag stitches.

Then I just sewed up the gap I had left open in the casing, and it was done.

It's a perfect fit!

Ava insisted that the skirt looked best with striped pants underneath it. And who am I to deny a girl her stripes??

This was a super easy job. I really want to make one for myself now. I just need to find a big-n-tall t-shirt to cut up. Oh, what's that you say? You can BUY knit fabric at the fabric store? Oh, I suppose I could do that, too. :)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Breathing Girly Life Into a Boring Tee

I felt like sewing something today, and since PJ is refusing to wear anything but dresses, a dress seemed like the right way to go.

Frugal momma that I am, I started with a 30 cent t-shirt (Halloween clearance at JoAnn) that I had attempted at one time to make into a fitted women's tee. It was..well, ugly, so I decided to try to give it new life as a toddler dress. I've had my eye on this cute, cute tutorial for a while and used it to get me going on the project.

Using a dress of PJ's to get the approximate shape and length, I cut up the shirt into a dress-ish shape.

I sewed up the sides with a straight stitch and finished the bottom hem with a rather uneven simple hem. The sleeves are unfinished (it's a rustic look. or punk. or lazy. or how about casual?).

{Somewhere around this time, Ava waltzed in and decided SHE wanted a dress, too. Fortunately I had another bargain JoAnn tee in a lovely purpley shade. More on that below.}

Now, I already had these little slits cut into the orange shirt from its failed existence as a woman's fitted tee, so I had to use them somehow. I decided to take strips of fabric from another tee and tie little bows through the slits.

I think it turned out pretty cute (but I think Ava's turned out even cuter).

For hers, I assembled it the same way, but I went with the ruffles, following the directions on the Oh So Happy Together tutorial. The ruffles were a little tricky to sew, but it's okay if they get messy. They still look cute. I nixed the green strips below, but I may have to do a white dress with a rainbow of strips some time...

Ava's dress was nice, because the length of the t-shirt made for a perfect length of dress, so I didn't have to mess with the bottom hem. Most playdresses are around knee-length, but I'm really liking the midcalf length for her.

For the sleeves, I decided to tuck under the fabric at the top of the shoulder and make a little 1/2 inch reinforced stitch perpendicular to the collar. That brought the fabric in a little at the shoulder for a more feminine line, and it also caused the fabric around the sleeve to curl under a bit, so that you don't notice that it's unhemmed. I like the look, for a casual play dress.

Ava wanted a matching headband, like the little girl on the tutorial, so I gathered up a long strip of the t-shirt fabric with a basting stitch and sewed it to a strip of elastic. The stitch ended up pretty uneven on the elastic, but no one will see that.

The girls had fun with the photo shoot, especially the elder child.

I think I may be raiding Derek's drawer for long-forgotten tees. It's very satisfying to make a dress in under an hour.