Friday, March 5, 2010

Tank Top to Skirt

I never wear this tank top anymore, but I've had a hard time getting rid of it, because I love the color and pattern of the stripes (I am a little bit infatuated with stripey things).

Since I'm on a repurposing-roll after the dresses yesterday, I thought I should turn the tank into something. It was too small to make a dress for either girl, but what a great skirt it would make for Ava, eh?

First I placed a skirt of Ava's over the tank, then I cut out the shape of the skirt, leaving some wiggle room on the sides for hemming, and an extra inch or two on top for the elastic casing.

Once the pieces were cut out, I pinned them together, right sides facing. Then I took a ruler and made straight lines with a fabric marker down the side hems, to ensure I stitched it into a nice and straight A-line shape.

After stitching up the sides, all that was left was to create a casing for the elastic waistband. I turned over the top raw edge about an inch, pinned it down, then sewed all the way around, leaving a 2-inch open gap where I could sew the elastic closed. I used a 3/4 inch elastic, guided it through the casing with a safety pin, then sewed the elastic ends together with nice, tight, overlapping zigzag stitches.

Then I just sewed up the gap I had left open in the casing, and it was done.

It's a perfect fit!

Ava insisted that the skirt looked best with striped pants underneath it. And who am I to deny a girl her stripes??

This was a super easy job. I really want to make one for myself now. I just need to find a big-n-tall t-shirt to cut up. Oh, what's that you say? You can BUY knit fabric at the fabric store? Oh, I suppose I could do that, too. :)


  1. That is way cute. I'm always so amazed by the stuff you repurpose.

  2. Yes, you could buy fabric from the store but it's so much more fun to make something new out of something old. Nice job matching the stripes on the side seams.
