Monday, February 14, 2011

Window Valance Transformation

Repurposing fabric-y things is my favorite way to use my sewing skills. This is a project I completed 2 years ago, but it's been sitting in a box waiting for Ava to grow into it. She has finally started to wear it, so I thought I'd show it off (no one can accuse me of being a show-off, however, as there was nothing to it).

Window valance...

...into skirt!

This is one of my favorite repurposing projects for the following reasons:
  1. I bought this window valance on clearance at IKEA for $1.50, because I loved the fabric.
  2. I love the fabric. Because it's home-dec weight, it has a fancier feel to it. But it's not too stiff for clothing.
  3. The bottom hem of the curtain became the bottom hem of the skirt. Voila! The hem is done.

I didn't take many pics of the creation of this skirt, because it was so simple. I just made a casing for the elastic; left the original, larger curtain rod-casing intact (it's a decorative flourish!); and sewed together the ends of the valance into a back seam.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls

3 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
2 squares unsweetened baking chocolate
6 cups powdered sugar
1 cup butter
2 cups peanut butter
1 tsp. vanilla extract

In a double boiler, melt chocolate. In a medium bowl, mix together sugar, butter, peanut butter and vanilla. Dough will be loose. Form 1-2 inch balls* from the dough, pressing together so they keep their shape. When all dough is shaped into balls, dip them into the melted chocolate with either a toothpick or fork. Set on wax or parchment paper lined cookie sheet and cool. Makes about 50. Recipe can be halved.

*For hearts, roll out a chunk of dough that has been pressed together to keep its shape and cut out with a cookie cutter.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Oreo Cookie Suckers

16 oz. pkg. Oreo Cookies (I used DoubleStuf)
24 oz. pkg. Plymouth Pantry Almond Bark, could also use chocolate flavor
Decors for decorating
Sucker sticks
Sucker bags and ties

Break up almond bark into smaller chunks and place in microwave-safe bowl.  Melt on high for 60 seconds, stir. Repeat in 15-second increments until smooth and melted, stirring each time. Dip a sucker stick into the melted almond bark. Carefully separate an Oreo (I used a twisting motion to avoid cracking) and press the coated sucker stick into the center of the frosting. Put the cookie back together and press carefully.  Let dry for a few minutes.

Hint: If the cookies crack when you separate them, don't freak out. Just press the cookie back together.  The next step will cover the crack and you won't even notice it.

Hold the cookie by the sucker stick and dip into the melted almond bark, covering both sides. Lay on cookie sheet lined with waxed paper. Sprinkle with decors before it cools and hardens. You can also drizzle a different color of melted almond bark or chocolate from a ziplock bag with a corner cut out. Let the completed suckers set until hardened.  Wrap in sucker bags. Here's the tutorial where I got the idea.
Makes about 33. Enjoy!