Monday, February 14, 2011

Window Valance Transformation

Repurposing fabric-y things is my favorite way to use my sewing skills. This is a project I completed 2 years ago, but it's been sitting in a box waiting for Ava to grow into it. She has finally started to wear it, so I thought I'd show it off (no one can accuse me of being a show-off, however, as there was nothing to it).

Window valance...

...into skirt!

This is one of my favorite repurposing projects for the following reasons:
  1. I bought this window valance on clearance at IKEA for $1.50, because I loved the fabric.
  2. I love the fabric. Because it's home-dec weight, it has a fancier feel to it. But it's not too stiff for clothing.
  3. The bottom hem of the curtain became the bottom hem of the skirt. Voila! The hem is done.

I didn't take many pics of the creation of this skirt, because it was so simple. I just made a casing for the elastic; left the original, larger curtain rod-casing intact (it's a decorative flourish!); and sewed together the ends of the valance into a back seam.