Saturday, February 16, 2013

Keeping Brown Sugar Soft

I hesitate to even post this as this seems obvious to me and probably to everyone else, but I keep seeing blogs that talk about putting an apple or piece of bread into your brown sugar container to keep it soft. So evidently it is not that obvious to everyone. I used to keep my brown sugar in this Tupperware® container.
Yes, I know, this is probably worth something as an antique now. I would fill it to the top, but as I would use the brown sugar it would create a little bit of air space each time and I would notice that it would slowly dry out. By the time there was just a bit of brown sugar left, it was pretty hard and dry.

Then one day I asked myself this question, why does brown sugar stay soft in its original package that I can leave in my food storage room for months or even years? So, that was the obvious answer to this dilemma--keep it in its own package. So as you use your brown sugar, fold down the top of the original plastic bag, pressing out all air. Keep it folded down with a piece of masking tape. I use painter's tape as it's easier to pull off.
Then place the entire bag with the folded top down inside a Ziploc® bag, press out all the air and zip it up.
Then when I place the bag of brown sugar in my cupboard I fold over any extra Ziploc® bag underneath.
My brown sugar stays absolutely soft until I use the very last bit, and I don't use it up all that fast. This sugar was opened a long time ago.

1 comment:

  1. We had tupperwares like that growing up. For some reason I've never had a problem keeping my sugar soft, but I probably make cookies way too often. I'll have to remember this.
