Friday, February 1, 2013

What Makes Cupcakes Go Flat?

Look at these two cupcakes. They were made from the same batter, the batter was measured with the same ice cream scoop, they were placed into the same cupcake liners, and they were baked along side one another at the same time in the same oven. What made one sink and overflow and look ugly while the other formed a perfect dome?
The PAN!!! They were baked in the same Chicago Metallic brand muffin pan, but the pan on the left was purchased about 25 years ago and the pan on the right was purchased a week ago.
That is why I have been having such trouble getting my cupcakes looking decent, thus requiring me to fill up the sunken centers with icing. But the cupcakes on the right are a bit too done for my liking, so I will have to bake them for less time and then they'll be perfect. So, a lesson to you is check your PAN to see if that is what is giving you all the trouble.

I have since purchased another Chicago Metallic muffin pan and I am putting the other muffin pans into storage. Perhaps one day they will be collector's items.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! It's amazing that the pan makes that big a difference. I'll have to look at mine now.
