Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Easy Easter Treat

I saw a picture of these on Pinterest but these are so cute that I just had to post my own pictures of the process. 
First, I bought some bunny shaped Peeps from the grocery store. I refrigerated them when I got home so they wouldn't be gooey when I cut them apart.
Take a few miniature marshmallows and cut in half to prepare for the final decoration.
Then, insert a sucker stick into each bunny all the way up to the fork in the ears without actually breaking through. Tap them slightly to remove extra sugar and lay them flat on a clean piece of parchment paper.
Melt dipping chocolate using your favorite method. My favorite way is to use this handy dandy Wilton Chocolate Pro. I bought it at JoAnn's with a 50% off coupon.  I use it all the time and it is the easiest way to melt chocolate without burning it. I use a good dipping chocolate called Guittard Dark Chocolate A'Peels that I buy from Orson Gygi. It isn't the quality you would use for soft-centered chocolate candies but tastes much richer than the grocery store Plymouth Pantry chocolate flavored coating that many people use.
Hold the bunny sucker by the stick end and push it into the melted chocolate, making sure to cover the entire bunny especially at the point the stick enters the bunny. Tap the stick lightly on the edge of the Chocolate Pro so that the extra chocolate drips off into the pan. Move the sucker back and forth slightly until the bunny looks like it is evenly coated, turning as necessary. Lay the bunny on a sheet of parchment paper and immediately press one half of a small marshmallow toward the bottom for a tail.
Let them set until completely cool and hardened. Wrap in plastic sucker bags and secure.
Even though I have used "dark" chocolate, this brand is not bitter at all and the combination with the marshmallow is yummy and the sugar coating on the Peep gives it an extra crunch. So easy and fun.

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