Monday, November 8, 2010

Tuesdays at the Castle

I have never actually posted anything here, because as far as creativity goes, I do two things: knit and write. So, since I am terrible at teaching people how to knit, we'll go with this:

Tuesdays at the Castle
Whenever Castle Glower became bored, it was grow a new room or two. This usually happened on Tuesdays, when the king was hearing petitions, so it was the duty of the palace guards to inform visitors of the only two rules the Castle followed.
Rule One: The throne room was always to the east. The only trick to this was figuring out which way east was, particularly if you were in a windowless corridor, or near the dungeons.
This was why most guests stuck with Rule Two: if you turned left three times and then climbed out a window, you'd end up in the kitchens. Then one of the staff could help you find the Throne Room, or wherever else you needed to go.
Celie only used Rule Two when she wanted to steal a treat from the kitchens, and Rule One when she wanted to watch her father at work. Her father was King Glower the Seventy-Ninth, and like him, Celie always knew which way east was.
For more of Celie's adventures in Castle Glower, tune in next September!


  1. Thanks for the sneak preview. I can hardly wait!

  2. I'm really excited about this book and I'm upset we have to wait so long for it.
